P2516-DFZ2406 on a loaded grain at Narngulu. Taken on the 7th of August 2010
P2516-DFZ2406 on a loaded grain at Narngulu. Taken on the 7th of August 2010
P2510-DFZ2406 on a loaded Ruvidinni ore at ‘old’ Grants. Taken on the 22nd of August 2010.
P2510-DFZ2406 on a loaded Ruvidinni ore at ‘old’ Grants. Taken on the 22nd of August 2010.
DFZ2404-2406-2401-2407 at Wicherina with a loaded iron Ore Service.
DFZ2404-2406-2401-2407 at Wicherina with a loaded iron Ore Service.