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DR1564-DR1565 working out of Arrino on an empty ballast transfer, 1BT1.
DR1564-DR1565 working out of Arrino on an empty ballast transfer, 1BT1.
DR1564-DR1565 powering up a grade on the empty ballast transfer, 1BT1.
DR1564-DR1565 powering up a grade on the empty ballast transfer, 1BT1.
DR1564-DR1565 awaiting to leave Arrino on an empty ballast transfer, 1BT1.
DR1564-DR1565 awaiting to leave Arrino on an empty ballast transfer, 1BT1.
DR1564-DR1565 on a loaded rail train east of Irwin.
DR1564-DR1565 on a loaded rail train east of Irwin.
DR1564-DR1565 on a loaded rail train east of Irwin.
DR1564-DR1565 on a loaded rail train east of Irwin.
DR1564-DR1565 heading towards Dongara with a loaded rail train.
DR1564-DR1565 heading towards Dongara with a loaded rail train.
CBH023-CBH007 heading out of Narngulu with an empty grain.
CBH023-CBH007 heading out of Narngulu with an empty grain.
CBH009-025-011-006 stabled at Brookton Grain Silos.
CBH009-025-011-006 stabled at Brookton Grain Silos.